December - January 2025
An Overview
The changing scenario of India economically and socially has left an everlasting set of changes that has transformed the trends being followed nation wide. The most significant of them all is the appreciation of the wide spectrum of the bakery & confectionery industry. With the Indian going globe trotting and returning home with the international recipes vying for their palates, the race has just began. Bakery Review presents the trends and the changes undergoing the bakery & confectionery industry in present day India. Much awaited information flow exclusively for the baker’s is the hallmark of Bakery Review. New products are entering the market on a regular basis and technological up gradation is taking place frequently. Bakery Review keeps professionals abreast with the latest development in the market place.
Editorial Focus
The magazine covers from milling to the loaf on the shelf at the bakery, confectionery, chocolate, snack food with special emphasis on technology, recipes, ingredients, equipments, new trends and the superstars that make it happen. It focus on new products, developments and launches. Latest news, features, business stories and technical know how from the world of bakery is provided as the hands on information. The magazine discusses new products, launches and the variables influencing their use for prototype recipes, for the bakery market. Partnering with vendors, the magazine informs the target audience of new develoments thus saving valuable time and money. The magazine also elaborates on the tenacious adherence to strict quality specifications and correct usage of ingredients in production for a successful bakery business.
The circulation of “Bakery Review” offers maximum qualified respondents with highest volumes of purchases. The qualified recipients are individuals who have titles of Executive Pastry Chef, Pastry Chef, Senior Sous Chef – Patisserie, and Owners of Bakeries.
Reach – Print & Digital Format
The print version of magazine has 20,000 professional readers in over 10,500 establishments covering Bakeries – Commercial / Institutional / Industrial, Hotels, Restaurants, Fast Food Outlets, Dairy, Food Retail Stores, Food Courts, Importers & Distributors etc. in more than 417 cities. And digital issue is exposed to more than 2,50,000 professionals around the world.
Cost Effective
The magazine helps in reaching a focused audience without any diffused cost, in the most economical manner. It also helps in reaching new markets.
The changing scenario of India economically and socially has left an everlasting set of changes that has transformed the trends being followed nation wide. The most significant of them all is the appreciation of the wide spectrum of the bakery & confectionery industry. With the Indian going globe trotting and returning home with the international recipes vying for their palates, the race has just began. Bakery Review presents the trends and the changes undergoing the bakery & confectionery industry in present day India. Much awaited information flow exclusively for the baker’s is the hallmark of Bakery Review. New products are entering the market on a regular basis and technological up gradation is taking place frequently. Bakery Review keeps professionals abreast with the latest development in the market place.
Editorial Focus
The magazine covers from milling to the loaf on the shelf at the bakery, confectionery, chocolate, snack food with special emphasis on technology, recipes, ingredients, equipments, new trends and the superstars that make it happen. It focus on new products, developments and launches. Latest news, features, business stories and technical know how from the world of bakery is provided as the hands on information. The magazine discusses new products, launches and the variables influencing their use for prototype recipes, for the bakery market. Partnering with vendors, the magazine informs the target audience of new develoments thus saving valuable time and money. The magazine also elaborates on the tenacious adherence to strict quality specifications and correct usage of ingredients in production for a successful bakery business.
The circulation of “Bakery Review” offers maximum qualified respondents with highest volumes of purchases. The qualified recipients are individuals who have titles of Executive Pastry Chef, Pastry Chef, Senior Sous Chef – Patisserie, and Owners of Bakeries.
Reach – Print & Digital Format
The print version of magazine has 20,000 professional readers in over 10,500 establishments covering Bakeries – Commercial / Institutional / Industrial, Hotels, Restaurants, Fast Food Outlets, Dairy, Food Retail Stores, Food Courts, Importers & Distributors etc. in more than 417 cities. And digital issue is exposed to more than 2,50,000 professionals around the world.
Cost Effective
The magazine helps in reaching a focused audience without any diffused cost, in the most economical manner. It also helps in reaching new markets.
Editorial Profile
✓ Up-to-date news & views from the industry
✓ Latest trends that effects the industry
✓ Business information based on industry feedback
✓ Marketing aspects to enhance business & profits
✓ Discussion on effective techniques, equipments, products & Supplies
✓ Latest trends that effects the industry
✓ Business information based on industry feedback
✓ Marketing aspects to enhance business & profits
✓ Discussion on effective techniques, equipments, products & Supplies
Readers Profile
✓ 70% Bakery Owners / Directors / CEO
✓ 30% Executive Pastry Chef / Pastry Chef / Senior Sous
Chef- Patisserie
The Reach
✓ 50% in Commercial Standalone / Chain Bakeries
✓ 10% Gourmet Bakeries in Hotels
✓ 05% in In-Store Bakeries
✓ 05% in Fast Food Restaurants / QSR’s
✓ 05% to Gourmet Chocolates Co.’s
✓ 03% in Industrial Bakeries
✓ 03% in Snack Food Industry
✓02% in Milling Industry
✓ 05% in Dairy Industry
✓ 05% in Food Retail
✓ 04% in Food / Bakery Ingredients Industry
✓ 03% to Suppliers