Our PublicationsAt A Glance Bakery Review Bakery Review is a bi-monthly magazine provides the latest information to the professionals seeking knowledge of the fast changing Indian Bakery & Confectionery industry. The magazine offers in-depth information on the issues that largely affect the bakery business in India. ‘Bakery Review’ explores the new growth areas and latest developments in the baking industry. The magazine focus on the trends and developments in the Commercial & Retail Bakeries and Foodservice industry along with allied industries like Milling, Dairy, Snack food industries. aIt provides articles on the new techniques, equipment, recipes etc. The magazine provides exclusive reach to the bakery professionals in India. The only of its kind magazine assists owners to enhance there knowledge for future business growth. Hotel Business Review Hotel Business Review – the first and only bimonthly magazine exclusively focussed at Indian hotel business. The magazine provides exclusive editorial content with specific objective to produce valuable information source, to assist owners and hotel executives in maximizing their business. It offers fresh information on leadership style and management techniques to key decision makers. Critical to success is access to quality database. The circulation of the magazine offer maximum qualified respondents with highest volumes of purchases. The primary focus is at Corporate Management, Projects & Facility Planning and top-end Operational Management of the hotel business. Food & Beverage Business Review Food & Beverage Business Review – a bi-monthly magazine covering the entire gamut of activities that define the institutional F&B business – from “Farm to Fork”, right from Agricultural Produce and Meat Products to Dairy, Food Processing and Bakery, Beverage, Equipment, Cuisine, Marketing and other related issues. The magazine goes behind the scenes to give the F&B professional information, news and features about the business. The objective of the magazine is to develop a proper institutional marketing synergy between Food & Beverage, Food Processing, Foodservice and Food Retail Industry. The range of the articles covers food services, processing, food retail, equipment, themes & designs, technology, food hygiene, marketing & training etc. Trade Show Supplement Trade Show Supplement is the only show tabloid in India for major hotel, foodservice and catering tradeshows. The editorial provides in-depth information of the companies, products and services on display in the show. The supplement works as a ready recknor for the visitors at the show. It is distributed to all visitors at the shows, absolutely free of cost. Over last 19 years the supplement has gained immense status and is the most sought after information source at the trade shows. The tabloid is also circulated to professional in various hotels & restaurants, who could not visit the show. Thus the information of the show has extended reach for the participants who advertise in the supplement. Hotels & Institutions Buyers Guide This is a unique editorial driven annual buyers’ guide refered by decision makers while they are engaged in the buying process. The editorial provides latest products & market trends, product descriptions, equipment specifications and other services required in hotels, foodservice and catering business. The guide is a comprehensive source book providing exhaustive list of equipment manufacturers, suppliers, consultants, architects, designers, contractors, related to the industry. The unique features, combined with an editorial tone that uses wit and style to deliver the most sophisticated product-based editorials in the field, generate strong readership and reader loyalty.